Curriculum Vitae
Education & Experience
In addition to receiving a college education, Mr. Stephens has certifications and licenses in over 20 programs and has also worked throughout his prison term in various roles.
various locations, 2015-current
2017 - Bard College, Associate's Degree
2019 - Bard College, Bachelor's Degree
2020 - New York Theological Seminary, Master's Degree (Professional Studies/Leadership -- a cross between Liberal Arts and Divinity)
Current - Columbia University Business School: 18-week certificate program; upon completion, will earn three business-related certificates
Future - Mr. Stephens will pursue a law degree upon release from prison and studies for the LSAT in his limited spare time.
Program Associate, NYTS
Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 2021
Program Associates are custodians of the New York Theological Seminary program who act as liaisons between the DSP and the NYTS Program Director to ensure the smooth functioning of the program. Mr. Stephens assists in the preparation of much of the paperwork needed for each semester; orients new candidates; act as a tutor for candidates as they make their way through the program; maintains the library; ensures access to the computers and study areas; and facilitates meetings with candidates and their sponsors.
He assists the Program Director and professors by distributing the necessary books and materials needed for each class; keeps attendance, assignments and book records; keeps student files of assignments and capstone projects; and assists in preparing packages for each graduation.
President, NYTS North Campus Alumni Chapter
Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 2021
As President, Mr. Stephens supervises the activities and affairs of the Alumni Chapter (AC) consistent with its stated purpose, aims and goals and represents the AC within the general population and the community at large. He presides over and establishes the agenda for all AC meetings of the executive board and the general membership.
Administrative Runner
Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 2020
In this role, Mr. Stephens delivers mail throughout the facility. This role requires high-security clearance due to the handling of correspondences, and there is frequent interaction with the civilian population and the upper-brass.
In September 2021, Mr. Stephens was granted full outside clearance, which allows him to work in areas outside of the prison itself with security escort.
Facilitator, Anti-Bullying Campaign
Fishkill Correctional Facility, 2019
As a part of a group of BPI (Bard Prison Initiative) and NYTS (New York Theological Seminary) alums, Mr. Stephens was designated to develop and facilitate "Anti-Bullying". He gathered relevant literature and videos and created a syllabus for an eight-week program with participants meeting once per week. He also created a smaller-scaled version of that curriculum that could be completed in a three-day workshop and a one-day workshop.
Tutor/Facilitator, Network Program
Fishkill Correctional Facility, 2019
This program “assist[s] inmates in learning cooperative work and leadership skills, while demonstrating responsible behaviors.” Network Program, N.Y.S. Dep’t of Corrections & Comm. Supervision, available at http://www.doccs.ny.gov/ProgramServices/transitional.html#np (last visited Oct. 11, 2019). The focus of this program is to help inmates successfully reenter the community upon release. Towards that end, Mr. Stephens co-facilitated two "Community Preparation" workshops, helped other inmates compile their parole packages and prepare for their hearings, and tutored other inmates in GED math.
Assistant Coordinator, PACE (Prisoners for AIDS Counseling and Education)
Eastern New York Correctional Facility, 2016 - 2019
Responsibilities: assist PACE Coordinator in setting and executing agenda; train new clerks and new facilitators; organize World AIDS Day events.
Clerk, Bard College
Eastern New York Correctional Facility, 2015-2019
Responsibilities: organize and maintain library; disseminate books and supplies; orientate new students into the program.
Tutor/Writing and Math Fellow, Bard College
Eastern New York Correctional Facility, 2015-2019
Responsibilities: tutor students in mathematics (ranging from algebra to calculus), writing, and science (biology, microbiology, and genetics); conduct workshops for first year students.
Coordinator, PACE (Prisoners for AIDS Counseling and Education)
Shawangunk Correctional Facility, 2010-2013
Responsibilities: provide AIDS education to prison population; organize World AIDS Day events, oversee training of new facilitators; develop and expand services to the newly established Sex Offenders Program (SOP); prepare and approve lesson plans; set agendas for weekly meetings; organize special events; coordinate with staff advisor, DSP (Deputy Superintendent of Programs), and sponsoring agencies, i.e. Osborne Association and ARCS (AIDS Related Community Services) to fulfill the mission of PACE.
Administrative Clerk, Osborne Association
Shawangunk Correctional Facility, 2008-2013
Responsibilities: Solicit participation for Parenting, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Marriage, Breaking Barriers, and Breaking Barriers Training for Trainers programs; prepare callouts for each program; maintain records of current participants and waiting lists; act as liaison between Osborne representatives and the Deputy Superintendent of Programs (DSP).
Caregiver, Osborne Association
Shawangunk Correctional Facility, 2008-2013
Responsibilities: facilitate positive interactions and activities between prisoners and their children then within the Osborne Children's Center.
Breaking Barriers Facilitator, Osborne Association
Shawangunk Correctional Facility, 2008-2013
Responsibilities: coordinate Breaking Barriers workshops to assist incarcerated men through cognitive therapy model.
President, Caribbean African Unity (CAU) Organization
Shawangunk Correctional Facility, 2001-2013
Responsibilities: set agenda for organization; head weekly meetings; authorize and appoint heads of committees; develop and facilitate programs, including developing an "Effective Communication" workshop based off of the Great Courses DVD series of the same name, and maintain ABE and GED preparation workshops that tutored all sections of the GED 2-3 times per week; authorized all expenditures; coordinate with Deputy Superintendent of Programs (DSP) to ensure operation of the organization consistent with DOCS mandates.
Vice President, Caribbean African Unity (CAU) Organization
Shawangunk Correctional Facility, 1999-2001
Responsibilities: assist the President in executing agenda; oversee fundraising and collection of dues; preside over meetings in the President's absence.

Additional Interests
Mr. Stephens has a number of additional interests that he has pursued while in prison—and would like to continue to pursue once released.
Spanish: read, write, and speak fluently.
Mr. Stephens is an active member of the Bard Debate Union debate team that has won numerous debates against prestigious colleges and universities, including Harvard, Morehouse, West Point, and the University of Pennsylvania (2015-current). As Clerk and Captain of the Debate Team, Mr. Stephens developed debate workshops with Coach David Register to conduct when classes were not in session to develop new debaters and maintain the skills of experienced debaters. He has recruited and coached new members at Eastern New York Correctional Facility and was also able to continue participating in the public debate program at Fishkill Correctional Facility. This program allows those who have already graduated still to engage in debates. Mr. Stephens also took the initiative and created a five-week debate workshop to help cultivate debate skills in students new to debate and has also helped introduce debate to the prisoners at Sing Sing Correctional Facility. Mr. Stephens hopes to coach a debate team post-incarceration.
United States Chess Federation member (2003-current)
Exodus Study Group (2015-current)
"The Ugly Butterfly" essay published by Resilience Multimedia "Think Outside the Cell" series (2010)
"Let Everybody Vote, Even if They're Incarcerated" op-ed published by The Progressive. This was Mr. Stephens' first publication as a member of the Empowerment Avenue's Writers Cohort. (2020)
"Left in the Dark | COVID Behind Bars" is an article published by The Drift comprised of several accounts of the experience and treatment of incarcerated individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021)
Volunteer Work
"Hope Lives for Lifers" Mentoring Programs (2017)
"Voices of Transformation" program (2019): visit GED classes to encourage men to further their education
Voices from Within (2019-current): "The Voices From Within Project is a comprehensive multimedia and education initiative that uniquely addresses the epidemic of gun violence directly through the voices of [incarcerated individuals] living with the consequences of their choices, and the victims left in their wake." See http://voicesfromwithin.org (last visited Apr. 08, 2020)
Community Service Awards
Caribbean African Unity Organization, Certificate of Recognition (2011)
Latinos en Progreso Organization, Certificate of Appreciation (2007, 2008 & 2009): Mr. Stephens developed the curriculum for a Chess club and also a 16-week Public Speaking course.
Certificate of Achievement in post-secondary education (2007)
Outstanding Service as Teacher's Aide (2006)
Certificate of Appreciation as Teacher's Aide (2006)
Other Interests
Public Health (HIV/AIDS prevention and education)
Criminal Justice reform (wants to see improved coordination between prison administrators and incarcerated people, particularly in the generation of new programs)
Conflict resolution strategies (interest in cultivating empathy through communication as a way of resolving conflicts before they reach a critical juncture.)
Licenses and Certificates
Criminal Justice Initiative HIV/AIDS trainings, Hudson Valley Community Services (HVCS), PACE, 2017 & 2018
Domestic Violence, AIDS Related Community Services, PACE, 2012
Department of Labor certificate as HIV/AIDS counselor’s aid, 2010
US Chess Federation Expert chess rating (2085), 2011
LGBTQ Training, Osborne Association, 2009
HIV/AIDS Facilitator Certificate, AIDS Related Community Services, PACE, 2009
Tobacco Peer Education/Cessation Training, Osborne Association, 2009
Domestic Violence Training, Osborne Association 2009
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute 2-Day training, PACE, 2008
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute 4-Day training, PACE, 2007
HIV/AIDS Peer Educator Training, AIDS Related Community Services, PACE, 2007
Prisoners for AIDS Counseling and Education Hepatitis C Certificate, PACE, 2006
Inmate Program Associate (IPA) 360 hours, NYDOCS, 2006
Prisoners for AIDS Counseling and Education Basic Certificate, PACE, 2006
Inmate Program Associate (IPA) 360 hours, NYDOCS, 2005
Inmate Program Associate (IPA) Training, NYDOCS, 2005
Legal Research Certificate, NYDOCS, 2002
Narcotics Anonymous Certificate, NYDOCS, 2001
Parenting Certificate, Osborne Association, 2000
Frontline (Alternative to Violence) Certificate, NYDOCS, 2000